The supported decision making process with people who have complex communication access needs.

Competent communication partners are needed who are committed to developing their responsiveness and ability to interpret the Decision Maker’s unique language.

Sue’s Story

Sue reflects on how learning to be a better communication partner for her daughter has helped her notice all the ways her daughter is expressing her preferences.

Karen’s Story

Karen reflects on how support with communication has opened up the dialogue between her and her daughter about decision opportunities.

Communication Support

Marissa and Bernadette speak about another element which builds decision making capability – Communication support. View other videos in this reflective series on the ‘Consideratons for an Organisation’ page.

My Communication, My Decisions

This webinar provides strategies for building communication and decision making support with people who have complex communication access needs.  You can download the fillable, printable workbook which accompanies this webinar.

My Communication, My Decisions workbook

This workbook accompanies the ‘My Communications, My Decisions’ webinar.

Colton’s Story in Easy Read

In this Easy Read series, Colton’s communication is acknowledged, interpreted and acted upon as he works through his decision to move into a home of his own.

Colton’s Story Chapter 1

Tell people what you want. Your supporters might need help to learn how you communicate.  In this animation series, the elements of decision support are made clear as Colton works through his decision to move into a home of his own. You can also read this story in an Easy Read format.

Colton’s Story Chapter 2

Get the right people to help

Colton’s Story Chapter 3

Get Information the right way

Colton’s Story Chapter 4

Try things out

Colton’s Story Chapter 5

Think about what might happen – good things and bad things

Colton’s Story Chapter 6

Let people know your decision.

Colton’s Story Chapter 7

Act and reflect on your decision. You can change your mind.

Paul – Why Supported Decision Making is Important

Paul is supported by a couple of great communication partners to reflect on some signficant decisions he’s been supported to make.

Paul’s Recruitment Decisions

This video shows how Paul makes decisions about who is recruited to his support team. It gives tips for communication support.

Paul’s Recruitment Decisions (audio described)

This audio-described video shows how Paul makes decisions about who is recruited to his support team. It gives tips for communication support.

Shewani Talks about Supported Decision Making

Shewani uses her letterboard to talk about what’s needed to build decision making capability for people who have complex communication access needs.

Matt’s Story

Matt uses his device and communication support to talk about being able to direct his life because his decisions are supported.

Dr Jo Watson – Supported Decision Making: An Alternative to Guardianship

Dr Jo Watson speaks about the how of supported decision making with people who have complex communication access needs.

A Strategy for Building Relational Closeness

Relational closeness is vital to effective supported decision making for people who don’t use words to communicate. Here Jo describes a strategy for building relational closeness. It’s based on the idea of seeing a person beyond their disability.

Decision Making in Action – Dee’s Story

   A comic format example of communication support for decision making.

Information for Decision Makers

Read about the elements of supported decision making in Easy Read format.

Understanding a person’s communication

The importance of understanding a person’s communication in order to support their decision making.

Communication Passport

A communication passport gives information about a person, their likes, dislikes and things you can do to understand their communication.

Supported Decision Making and Positive Behaviour Support

Sally Robinson talks about Supported Decision Making in the context of Positive Behaviour Support.

Decision Making Vocabulary – Demonstration of Resources

This video demonstrates the use of a one-page visual board with specific decision making words. It can be used by decision makers and their supporters when making decisions, to practice decision making, and to learn the language of decision making. The visual board and others are downloadable from


Decision Making Vocabulary – Vision Board

This is a set of visual resources that can be used with decision makers and their supporters.

Supported Decision Making Resource Book

Recording Supported Decision Making First Nations

Supporting Decisions

Leanne and others talk about important principles which underpin effective supported decision making practice.

Shewani Talks about Supported Decision Making

Shewani talks about what’s needed to build decision making capability for people who have complex communication accesss needs

What is supported decision making?

Michelle defines what we’re talking about. Supported decision making is the process of providing practical assistance with decision making.

Using the process to support people with complex communication access needs

The supported decision making process with people who have complex communication support needs.

Reflect on the decision. Is further action required?

This is the last of eight short videos in a series which describes each element in a supported decision making model

How do we support the person to act on their decision?

This is the seventh of eight short videos in a series which describes each element in a supported decision making model

Getting to know the person

In developing good relationships with people we each share information about ourselves to deepen our understanding of each other.

Ann’s Story

Ann reflects on the importance and value of her daughter having choice and control in her life through being supported with her decision making.

Respecting a person’s will and preferences

As a decision supporter it is important you respect and champion a person’s will and preferences but that doesn’t mean acting on whatever the person says they want without further exploration.

Knowing the person as fundamental to interpreting their preferences

One of the most consistent findings of supported decision making research conducted all over the world is that knowing the person is essential to being able to provide good decision making support.

Understanding a person’s will and preferences

Michelle talks about making sure it is the Decision Maker’s will and preferences directing the decision making process and that our assumptions are not limiting what is possible.

Assuming decision making ability

Assuming decision making ability is one of the foundational beliefs of supported decision making.


Dee’s Story