WAiS is a member based organisation working in partnership with people, families, service providers and government to promote and advance individualised self directed supports and services.
WAiS seeks to do this though:
- Policy and Strategy
- Capacity Building
- Information and Resources
- Creativity and Innovation
WAiS provides information, support, mentoring/coaching to people with a disability/psycho social disability, their families and service providers across a range of areas related to Individualised Services and Self Directed Support.
WAiS promotes and advances individualised, self-directed supports and services
Creating Home

- Understanding Individualised Services
- Self Direction
- Person Centredness
- Service Design
- Positive behaviour support

- Understanding Planning approaches
- Preparing to Plan
- Facilitating Planning
Supported Decision Making

- Principles and Practice
- Positive approach to Risk
Choosing a Service Provider

- Models of Management
- Models of Support
- Questions to ask
Recruiting for Individualised Supports

- Creating a team culture
- Recruitment strategies
- Induction/Training/Supervising
- Quality and Safeguards
Employing/Engaging your own Supports

Understanding the legal and technical responsibilities related to engaging your own staff
- Industrial Relations
- Taxation
- Superannuation
- Workers Compensation
- Occupational Health and Safety
WAiS would like to acknowledge KPMG as a long standing source of support and advice. WAiS works with KPMG on a variety of tax-related issues that impact on people, families and providers particularly in relation to people directly hiring their own workers and live-in support arrangements.

At WAiS, our organisation is based around the members we have.
We work together with:

- people with disability
- people with psycho-social disability – their disability is a mental health concern
- families
- service providers
- government.
We do this by:

- helping people build up their skills so they can do things for themselves

- sharing information and resources

- coming up with new ideas and creative ways to do things

- talking to the government about ways to make things better for everyone.
We give people:

- information
- advice
- mentoring – we guide you so you can do things well
- coaching.

We tell everyone how good it can be to have supports and services that are:
- individualised – right for each person
- self-directed – they have choice and control.