Provider Development is about Service Providers investing in themselves, so they can offer and provide quality supports and services to people and their families.
Through recent Provider Development Grants, WAiS has been able to support Western Australian providers through workshops, mentoring, coaching and the development of resources. See links further below for these freely available resources.
These grants were funded by the Western Australian State Government, Department of Communities, Disability Services since 2015, and continues until June 2020.
WAiS supports Providers across a range of areas related specifically to Individualised Services including Individualised Living Supports, Leadership and Organisational Culture, Individualised Recruitment, Quality and Safeguarding, Structure and Systems.
These are shown in the image below.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
We have developed a full range of resources to support providers in their transition to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
This has been funded by the WA Department of Communities, Disability Services.
Building Brilliant Teams
WAIS is proud to share Building Brilliant Teams to assist people in Human Services to consider team development as an essential element of success in the direct delivery of supports and overall organisational impact. Building Brilliant Teams is one of WAiS’s most popular programs having been delivered across Australia over the last 5 years. This Resource will support anyone Self Manager, Family member, Team Member or Senior Executive to build and support brilliant team's.
Want to know more about our next Building Brilliant Teams on line course - email [email protected]
Re-thinking Organisations
Rethinking Organisations is a pioneering development program that WAiS has led over the last 18 months. To date over 20 Organisations across Australia and New Zealand have participated in the program achieving great outcomes that continue to have an impact on the development of the sector.
Rethinking Organisations invites Support Organisations to challenge and question the assumptions and beliefs that underpin traditional organisational design, structure and practice. The work is focused on rethinking organisations to provide the foundations to enable everyone to be their best self.
The program draws on global contemporary practice including Deliberately Developmental Organisations, Self Management, Participatory Cultures and Team Development.
Want to know more about our next Rethinking Organisations on line course - email [email protected]
Creating Clarity
A WAiS resource training pack for organisations to use within their organisation, to create clarity about their purpose, value and offer to people, families and employees.
In our ever-changing context in Human Services, WAIS has often been asked to support organisations to assist them to take stock of their current work and create clarity (or a position) on who they are, who they want to be in the future and what they may offer to people and families going forward.
Although there are many ways to do this, in partnership with support providers in Western Australia we have used and adapted a specific process taken from Patrick Lencioni’s work in supporting overall Organisational Health.
Individual Service Design
A WAiS resource training pack for organisations to use within their organisation, for staff who want to know more about designing individualised supports
Designing Individualised Support is about deeply understanding what matters to a person, being led by the person and important people to them, and then together, designing support so they can live their own life in a way that works for them.
This WAiS resource pack supports any organisation to explore the principles of co-production.
It has been informed by people with a disability, families and allies all of whom have impacted on WAiS over the years.
All of these people have one thing in common - a desire to explore how we can use the strengths, capacities and wealth of all of us to build richer organisations and communities.
Tax Information for Support Organisations (Live-In Supporters)
A resource created, in collaboration with and advice from KPMG, to provide organisations that assist people to have live-in supporters with the necessary guidance as to whether the supporters are volunteers, contractors or employees. The resource then outlines the various tax requirements and considerations arising from these important distinctions.