Individualised Living Options in the NDIS
With the introduction of the NDIS across Australia, it means people have the opportunity for increased choice and control to produce their own future and their own tailored supports and services.
The NDIS is a social insurance scheme, which has a lifetime approach to support, investing in people with disability to live their life, exercise their human rights, and improve their life outcomes
When any of us, no matter who we are, need some sort of support, whether that be advice from a friend or family member, recommendations from a doctor or a professional, career guidance from a colleague, domestic support from a cleaner, our hair cut by a hairdresser, we usually get that support in a way that is specific to us.
It is based on who we are, what we want and need, how we communicate together, our relationship and trust, our history, our experiences etc.
This means that the support we get is much more likely to meet our needs, with us being able to make more informed decisions about our life and therefore better outcomes for us, because the support is individually designed around us.
When we need significant supports to assist us to live our lives, exercise our human rights, communicate and be safe, the premise of ‘design supports around me’ becomes even more critical.
Highly individualised living arrangements can support people, including people who may have complex supports and / or complex communication needs, in one of the most natural and beneficially ways possible – real people connecting, supporting and sharing their lives.
Did you know we have an Online Hub full of resources about Individualised Living?

The NDIS vision is for people to have choice and control over their life. Importantly this means greater choice and control for people over where they live, who they live with and the supports to live a typical life. The focus of contemporary Individual Living Options (ILO) is on designing solutions one person at a time.