Mary Oliver once said "Tell me... what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
This online resource has been designed to help people think about who they are and the life they want.
It has been developed using some resources from influential people who have been passionate about person-centred planning and who have provided necessary leadership over many years, including John O’Brien, Connie Lyle O’Brien, Marsha Forest, John McKnight, Herb Lovett, Beth Mount, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda Kahn, Michael Smull, Judith Snow, and Helen Sanderson to name a few.
This online resource is based on the Original WAiS Preparing to Plan card set.

Leanne Pearman and Davina Paul are talking about Planning. We recommend you view the ‘Introduction to Planning’ video (above) and the ‘How to Use This Resource’ video (below) first. Then you can choose from the 11 planning areas to explore at your leisure.
We also have some extra videos that you might like to watch, which help explain more about planning and setting goals.
A downloadable, fillable workbook and extra videos of real people engaged in planning, will help bring your planning process to life.
West Coast Eagles Players talk about kicking goals
Sharing my planning experience
A Mum’s Planning Experience
What I found the most significant out of this whole process is thinking about the way that I do things and how that can impact on my son and his support. The cards are amazing, I love them, they are bright and colourful, my son loves them and it’s just a fantastic way to discuss everything.
-- Michelle
Select a Planning area to start
People who contributed to Planning for a Good Life Online Resource
A great many people contributed their time and expertise to this online resource.
We thank them and have listed them here. If you would like to get in touch with any of them including for additional work, please contact us on 9481 0101 to ask for their details.
Guest presenters
Conrad Willcox
Davina Paul
Frankie Watson (West Coast Eagles) Jackson Nelson (West Coast Eagles) Josh Kennedy (West Coast Eagles)
Kristen Ugle
Liz Dutton
Medjee Paul
Michelle Donaldson
Sophia Willcox
Resource Design and Developers
Leanne Pearman
Libby Ellis
Su-Hsien Lee
Susan Stanford
Behind the scenes
Angelique Gerber (filmmaker)
Janine Marace-Realeza (graphic designer)
Katy Gagliardi (learning resource development)
Maria Doyle (online content development expert)
Michael Clarke (filmmaker)