WAiS, through an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant is excited to be able to provide information and support to people and their families in relation to starting a small business, to support them with their entrepeneurial goals. WAiS are collaborating with the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) in delivering this information. The SBDC provide free information, workshops and advice to small businesses across WA. You can go to their website for more information.
WAiS have been developing a suite of Easy Read resources based on a selection of what SBDC has on offer. Please contact WAiS if you have any queries about this project or want to meet with WAiS for support in relation to starting a small business.
You can download the Easy Read resources by clicking the images below.

8 Steps to Starting a Business
This resource is a great starting point on your small business journey, it covers all the essential things you need to think about when starting a business.
Simple Action Plan
The Simple Action Plan will help you to set goals and work out how to achieve them. This is a plan that you can fill in with information about your business.
Step 2 Think About My Business Idea
Before starting your business it is important to do some research to help you think about whether your business idea will work. This resource will help you to go through everything you should research and think about to decide whether you have a good business idea.
Step 4 Choose the Legal Structure of My Business
This resource will help you to think about the different ways that you can run your business and decide which one would be best for you.
Step 6 Build My Support Team
It is important to have people you trust to help you when starting your own business. This resource gives you ideas about the types of people you may need to help you in your business.
Hobby or Business?
A lot of people ask what is the difference between a hobby and a business. Deciding if what you have is a hobby or a business makes a difference to your legal responsibilities.
A hobby is a pastime or leisure activity you do in your spare time for recreation or pleasure. If you have a hobby then you do not have any additional tax or reporting responsibilities.
A business is if your activity is commercial and you want to make a profit. If you have a business, you will have additional tax and reporting responsibilities.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has more information on hobbies and businesses.
The Australian Government is trialling a tool to help people decide if they have a hobby or a business.
Taxation and Superannuation information
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has a series of videos to help small businesses understand their tax and superannuation obligations.
The videos are about a variety of topics including:
- Starting a business
- Activity statements
- Paying your tax
- Deductions you can claim
- Paying workers
- Record keeping
- Selling or closing your business