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Creating Home: Individualised Living

My Home

The foundation of most modern societies is the acknowledgment of everyone’s right to exercise their citizenship by leading and directing their own lives. It is essentially one of the most basic and fundamental elements of being human.

All of us like to live in a way that reflects who we are and what makes sense to us. We like to choose where we live, and importantly, the people we live with.

When we need significant supports to assist us to live our lives, exercise our human rights, communicate and be safe, the premise of ‘design supports around me’ becomes even more critical.

Highly individualised living arrangements can support people, including people who may have complex supports and / or complex communication needs, in one of the most natural and beneficially ways possible – real people connecting, supporting and sharing their lives.

Check out 'The Lives We Lead' video stories of people living in their own homes here 

Did you know we have an Online Hub full of resources about Individualised Living?

Creating Home

Creating Home

Creating Home

This video shares the learnings and reflections of Julie, a parent, on the key elements for creating an individualised living arrangement for her son  Eamon, who has complex communication access needs. You can watch Eamon's video here 

It also connects themes that were identified from a Curtin University research project - Individualised Supported Living, involving people with disabilities and their experiences of living in their own home. You can find out more about the project here

When  a person needs support to live in their own home, finding a way for this to happen in a way that makes sense to them (and their allies) is critical. It takes deep discovery and planning, time, intention, and exploration.

Sometimes, people may want and /or need more formal supports to live in their home.

"Creating Home" is the term used to describe a range of ways that people can have 'live in' companionship and support in their home. There is no 'one size fits all' as each person is unique, and so are the people they want to be supported by.


My Life Your Life Our Life

My Life Your Life Our Life (Easy Read Version)

My Life Your Life Our Life (Plain Language Version)

Home is where we belong. Home is where we feel, and are, safe. Home is where we express our identity and can be ourselves.

We can choose who we live with and who we spend time with and importantly, have choice and control over how we live our life.

This booklet can be used when considering  what might be needed when moving  into a new home.


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