Share Management | WA’s Individualised Services
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Share Management

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Shared Management is when people are in partnership with an organisation. The person and the organisation will determine and agree on what aspects of the funding, supports and services the person wants to manage.

Shared Management is a Western Australian initiative that has been developing since the early 1990s.

Its growing success is based on people and families wanting more control over their supports and services, but with support to do the tasks and responsibilities they do not want to do.

A partnership between individuals, families and an organisation. It is not just a transactional arrangement

The partnership is led by the individual and/or family.

Based on an agreement between people, families and the organisation about who is responsible for key tasks.

People design, plan, set up and manage their own supports and services with the level of support they want and/or need.

Things to discuss and agree on include:

Who is responsible for what tasks, individually, and what are the tasks that have joint responsibility.  This includes; Who is engaging the workers, budget monitoring, keeping records secure (financial, personal, etc), financial auditing, complying with standards, yearly reports, legal requirements etc, interviewing, selecting, recruiting, orientating, inducting, training, supervising support people and paying, insuring and protecting support people to name a few.

Under a Shared Managed arrangement, the organisation is not the formal employer of the supports or services.

Read more about how people are Share Managing their supports and services;

(This section is currently under construction)

Ben Keeley

Paul Jay

Jaquie Mills

Shared Management Guide

Self and Shared Management Guide


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