Our WAiS Constitution
The objects of our Association are to:
- Provide a clear and coherent voice for individualised services and individuals within the community services sector.
- Share resources and techniques amongst Members that consolidate and enhance individualised services delivery; to include advocacy, education, provision of information and other practical support;
- Educate others about individualised services through conferences, workshops, information, advice and resources;
- Provide agency-to-agency mentoring for emerging individualised services;
- Publish position papers, respond to position papers published by others and make submissions on behalf of its Members;
- Influence government policies that have the potential to impact on individualised services;
- Lobby government, the community and the broader sector to expand the range and number of individualised services through leadership and advice to the sector on individualised services;
- Support and contribute to research into individualised services.
Membership of the Association is open to Individuals and Organisations who are:
(a) committed to self-direction and individualised supports and services (Individuals);
(b) committed to practicing self-direction and individualised supports and services
(Organisations); and
(c) endorse and actively promote the Objects of Association.