There are a set of 11 cards, with an accompanying booklet. The booklet has some information about using the cards, and also can be used to write notes down for each card set section.
The Pre-Planning Resources are not a replacement for Person Centred Planning. The resources can be used to complement person centred planning approaches.
The resources were funded by the WA Disability Services Commission through the National Disability Services WA as part of a Quality Service Improvement Grant.
You can download PDF accessible card sets and the booklet below by clicking on the image.
If you would like a copy of the planning card sets in Braille, please contact us on 9481 0101.
The art featured on the First Nations people style card sets have been painted for WAiS by Gertrina Hayden.
Gertrina Hayden is a Proud Badimia Yamatji, Noongar Contemporary First Nations Artist who has grown up and lived in Perth most of her life, with Family connections in the Northwest and Southwest of W.A Badimia yamatji, whadjuk noongar country. Gertrina is a mother of four and she enjoys painting as it's something that she says helps keep her connected to her culture and her country. Gertrina loves to paint the stories of her childhood, the land flora and fauna that is all around us. Gertrina says it's always a good feeling when your art can make others smile and they can enjoy it as much as you.
"The middle circle represents you and your planning journey, the lines leading out show each step being taken. The dots touching the outgoing wavy lines show detours / hurdles that may slow your progress with planning towards the life you want.
Remember to stay focussed and not be distracted from outside your circle. Distractions are represented by the semi circles/dots on the outer edges."