WAiS has co-designed and developed a range of resources, as well as three online learning resource programmes around Planning, Self Management and Shared Management!
If you are using assistive technology, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat to read our resources, rather than your web browser’s built in PDF viewer.
Choosing a Service Provider
The resource is to assist people in thinking about, and choosing a service provider that is best for them. In the resource there are a number of different areas with questions to explore. You can go through the whole resource, or just choose some areas of your particular interest to focus on. Whilst the resource is not an exhaustive list of questions, it is a list that people with disability and their families, have told us would be helpful when deciding on a provider.
Engaging your own Supports
These resources are for people who live in Western Australia who have decided to privately hire their own support persons for the purpose of providing them with supports and services.
Planning Resources
A range of resources have been designed and developed to support people and families to think about some things that may be helpful when planning.
National Disability Insurance Scheme Resources
A range of resources have been designed and developed to support people and families with the NDIS
Starting a Business
WAiS, in collaboration with the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC), have been working on easy read resources to support people with starting their own small business. There will be more resources being released soon.
Supported Decision Making
Supported decision making is a term used to refer to a range of practices whereby people with disabilities are assisted to make or implement their own decisions.
My Life, Your Life, Our Life: A Guide for Flat-mates, Homesharers & Co-Residents
‘I want to share my life with people who matter to me, people I know care about me, like a family or very close friends. After all, what’s life if you have no one to share it with?’
Provider Development Resources
Through a WA Department of Communities, Disability Services Grant, we developed a range of resources to support providers with Individualised Services.
Shared Management Guide
The Shared Management Guide Project, aimed to increase individuals, families and the sectors capacity to successfully offer and utilise self and shared management. Key outcomes of the project include the launch of the Shared Management Resource; ‘A guide for Support Organisations exploring Shared Management’.
This resource continues to evolve as relevant legal or regulatory considerations change in regard to delivering Individualised Services. The WAiS Shared Management Guide is now available for download below.
What supports and services can WAiS offer you?
For any questions about self-direction, individualised services or self and shared management click here
Or contact us directly here

Our resource library has lots of information about:
- Individualised Services
- Self-direction.

We have a great collection of:
- stories
- articles
- ideas.
Our aim is to bring you:

- the most up-to-date local, national and international information

- stories and news from our local community.

This Library shows how committed we are to:
- sharing information
- promoting Individualised Services
- supporting people to live their lives the way they want.
Easy Read resources

These resources are in Easy Read.

You can turn off the Easy Read mode to see our full list of resources.

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