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Shared Management

Shared Management is a formal partnership between a person and/or their family with a service provider through an Agency or Organisation Managed approach. It has been a valued model in Western Australia since the early 1990's.

This Shared Management Course has  been developed for Service Providers interested in knowing more about what Shared Management is, and if it is something they would like to offer people and families.

It is also for Service Providers who already offer Shared Management, who are seeking to reflect on their practice, and to identify if there are some areas they could further develop the quality of their service.

The course also reflects on the way in which Shared Management, under an Agency/Organisation managed approach fits with the principles of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

People who contributed to this Shared Management Online Resource

Many people contributed their time and expertise to this online resource.

We thank them and have listed them here. If you would like to get in touch with any of them including for additional work, please contact us om 9481 0101 to ask for their details.


Resource Design and Developers

Leighton Jay

Leanne Pearman

Rosie Lawn

Su Hsien Lee

Melanie Arco

Emer Hickey

Carol Campbell

Barsha Shahi

Liz Dutton

Ben Keely

Allan and Jennifer Johns

Robyn Tsapazi

Melanie Hawkes


Project Steering Committee members who have attended meetings and contributed are:

Emer Hickey (Avivo)

Melanie Arco (My Place)

Richard Long (My Place)

Ben Keely (WAiS)

Carol Campbell (Enable)

Colin Andison (Manage IT)


Behind the scenes

Ben Staer (Videographer)

Maria Doyle (Project Support)

Claire Jay (Design Work)

Janine Marace-Realeza (Design Work)

All contents ©2025 WAiS WA’s Individualised Services. All rights reserved.