Drum roll!!!! We loved bringing you The Lives We Lead with stories from amazing individuals about their passions, talents and community connections. So, we are thrilled to announce that the Department of Communities, Disabilities has funded the Lives We Lead - Worklife which we’ll be rolling out over the next 12 months.

This time round we are going further afield to focus on 20 + individual employment stories in regional and remote WA, and we’d so appreciate your help in sharing this post and the call out to find them.

With another 20 videos, this time showing the valued contributions of people with disabilities at work, we’re aiming to show employers and the community what’s possible, and chip away at some of the outdated stereotypes.
We’re looking for people with disabilities in WA regions who are willing to share stories of jobs where your contribution is truly valued, whether you’re being employed or have your own business. We’re looking to find out how you’ve landed or created this work, what you do and how you do it, what the best part is for you and any innovations or support that makes it doable and sustainable.

If you do have a story, please email Geraldine Mellet, the new Project Coordinator, at [email protected] or ring 0466 305 652

This project is funded through a grant from WA Department of Communities, Disabilities and overseen by a reference group consisting of people with disability and partners WAiS, YDAN, PWdWA , WWDWA. and our newest member EDAC.

You can see all of the previous stories here 

Keep up to date with the project on social media.

