NEW Resource || Understanding Me Video

Understanding Me Positive Behaviour Support activity cards have been developed to generate conversations about positive behaviour support. They are based on contemporary disability practice and align with the NDIS Quality […]

Proposed NDIS Legislative Changes

The Australian Government is proposing changes to the legislation underpinning the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to make processes easier and better for people accessing the NDIS. The National Disability […]

Meet Hayden || The Lives We Lead

Hayden McDonald is a detailer of giant machines and an aspiring commercial pilot. In Esperance, in WA’s Great Southern, he gets new and used farm machinery ready for the show […]

Meet Brooke || The Lives We Lead

In Margaret River, in WA’s South West, Brooke McQueen loves her life and her three different jobs. At the local Recreation Centre, she is the friendly face at the front […]

Midland People and Families | NDIS Q&S Commission

WAiS, together with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission are hosting another free information session for people and families to come along to and learn more about The Commission. You […]

Meet Sandy || The Lives We Lead

Sandy Dann is a Nyul Nyul woman from Broome in the Kimberleys. But her reputation as a broadcaster leading the way in delivering and preserving Indigenous stories goes much further […]