What is the NDIS?
Laverne Moi is a young animator/illustrator in his mid-20s recognised for his kinetic stylised hand-drawn animations inspired by cartoony anime.
His creative career consists of a diversity of high-profile projects from developing a cute mascot for a Fremantle disability support organisation, to producing an animated short video for Curtin University, to working as an animatic video editor for Pencilmation, one of the most popular animation channels for Youtube.
Laverne runs a tutoring business teaching hand-drawn animation to teens and pre-teens, especially those who are neurodivergent (i.e. autistic/ADHD.) His animations/illustrations can be viewed at his website lavernemoi.com as well as his instagram @lavmoi.
Planning for a Good Life
WAiS provides support to people and families with planning for a good life, and also provides support in preparing to plan in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Planning is a life long process – if you think about it, we sometimes make plans on a yearly, monthly, weekly or even daily basis. This might be to plan a birthday, take a holiday, have kids, move out of home, look for work etc.
Sometimes, if we rely on other people to help us to live our life, or if we need formal support, then more intentional consideration needs to be given to planning.
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. This is the scheme that supports people with disability to live a good life.
The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency. This is the agency that funds your plan for supports and services.
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is the agency that regulates the quality and safety of your NDIS supports and services.
Find out more on the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission website
Tips for Your NDIS Planning Meeting
This is an easy read document to help you feel more prepared before going into your NDIS Planning Meeting.
Support Coordinator, Support Worker Subtitle: What’s the difference?
Self Management
Self-management is when you you manage your individualised funding yourself or on behalf of your loved one. It gives you the flexibility and choice to decide what supports you buy to meet your plan goals. It lets you think creatively about how you can use your funds to best meet your needs.
When you self-manage, you
- are in charge of your supports
- choose who you pay to support you
- choose who to buy services from – this is not limited to registered providers
- can get support to self-manage – information, technology or services
One of the great benefits of Self Management is being able to choose, hire, train and manage your own workers. This doesn’t mean you have to do it all yourself. You can get help for a range of things including bookkeeping and accounting services, software applications, training etc.
NDIS Reasonable and Neccesary
The NDIS needs to follow the law and rules when working out how what supports and services will get funded.
There are 6 things the NDIS needs to keep in mind.
- The support will assist you to pursue the goals and vision set out in your plan
- The support will assist you to undertake activities that facilitate your social and economic participation (Home, work, recreation, leisure etc)
- The support represents value for money in that the costs of the support are reasonable, relative to both the benefits achieved and the cost of alternative support
- The support will be, or is likely to be, effective and beneficial for you, having regard to current good practice
- The funding or support you need, takes account of what is reasonable to expect families, carers, informal networks and the community to provide
- The support considered in the plan needs to be not more appropriately funded or provided through other service systems (education, health etc)

NDIS Toolkit
Brightwater has developed the NDIS toolkit to help guide individuals with disability and their support network to effectively plan for the NDIS.
The toolkit is for individuals and their families; carers and guardians; as well as health and other human services professionals, and disability service providers.
Funded by the Department of Communities Disability Services, the toolkit will help you register for the NDIS and prepare for your planning meeting by taking out all the guesswork.