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Legal Considerations

Legal Considerations

In this module, we explore the role that providers play in supporting people to meet their legal responsibilities when they hire their own workers across five domains: Taxation; Superannuation, Industrial Relations, Workers’ Compensation and Work, Health & Safety.

In Shared Management arrangements there are also regulatory responsibilities related to safeguarding the person, service quality and acquitting funding. These may be primarily service providers’ responsibilities, but this will vary in different circumstances. Whatever the case, people and families will need to engage with you around all of these domains in order for both of you to fulfil your responsibilities.

These resources below are to support people, when hiring their own workers. If people are doing this under a Shared Management arrangement, then the Providers role becomes to support people to be the best employer they can. Providers can use these resources below as a way of understanding exactly what people's responsibilities are.

Extra Resources - These are specifically for people and/or their representative who are hiring their own workers

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