Please Note: We are updating a number of our resources (including the Easy Read versions), so please note some may not be available for this reason. We hope to have them all updated very soon.
These resources are for people who have chosen to hire their own support workers to provide them with supports and services.
They were written to explain important information that people need to understand about the law.
Important: The information about Industrial Relations, Workers Compensation and Health and Safety is only related to the law in Western Australia.
The information in these resources is only a guide and general in nature. You shouldn’t take it as legal advice. If you would like any further information or support, please contact us. If you need legal advice, you can see your lawyer.
Use the links below to download the resources you need. Plain Language and Easy Read versions are also available.
Sample Employment Contracts
Please note: All the sample employment contracts are being reviewed and updated. We hope to have them available very soon.
If you are directly employing your support workers and looking for sample employment contracts, please contact WAiS. We have text employment contract samples for casual employees and part time/full time employees. Please note: these are for employers and employees who fall under the WA State Industrial Relations system.
WAiS has been working in partnership with UWA, as part of a research project developing ‘Comic Contracts’. This project is being overseen by UWA Professor Camilla Baasch Andersen. The idea of Comic Contracts is to use images, or even comic strips, in legal contracts to make them easier to understand and more inviting to people to read. These Comic Contracts have attracted interest all over the world, in the business and corporate sectors. Needless to say, this is actually a very challenging idea to many lawyers! The research project has been sponsored by a variety of organisations, including an international engineering company.
WAiS wanted to explore with UWA, how this business and corporate comic contract approach could work in the disability and human services sector. We are very excited to announce that we now also have two visual contracts for people who are directly engaging their own supports, as an alternative to written text contracts. Again, these are employment contracts (casual and part time/full time) for people who are directly employing their own support workers to use and based on the WA State Industrial Relations system. If you would like a copy of these visual contracts, please contact WAiS.
Our Engaging Your Own Supports resources are for people who:

- live in WA

- have chosen to hire their own support workers to give them their supports and services.

They explain what people need to understand about:
- the law
- how the law affects them.

Please don’t use these resources if you live in another state of Australia.

The information in these resources only relates to the law in WA.
Use the links below to download the resources you need.