Did you know we hold a monthly online chat for people and families to learn all about the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission?!
Our next session is coming up on Wednesday 13th October!
Are you a person with disability or a family member or carer?
Are you in the NDIS?
Have you heard about the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission?
Are you wondering:
• how it will affect you and your family?
• how to make a complaint about your service provider?
• what you need to know about behaviour support and restrictive practices?
• what is the NDIS Worker Screening?
Bring a coffee and join WAiS for an informal chat where you can ask about all things NDIS Commission.
You can register for whichever date suits you best by clicking the button below.
For more information call the WAiS office on 9481 0101 or email admin@waindividualisedservices.org.au .