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WAiS provides support to people and families with planning for a good life, and also provides support in preparing to plan in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Planning is a life long process - if you think about it, we sometimes make plans on a yearly, monthly, weekly or even daily basis. This might be to plan a birthday, take a holiday, have kids, move out of home, look for work, and so on.  Sometimes, if we rely on other people to help us to live our life,  or if we need formal support, then more intentional consideration needs to be given to planning.

If you would like to talk with us about planning, please contact us on 9481 0101.

WAiS have co-designed and developed some Planning resources with people, families and service providers.

These resources have been designed to help people think about some things when planning. They have been developed using the thoughts, experiences and some resources from influential people who have been passionate in their efforts around person-centred planning and who have provided necessary leadership over many years, include John O’Brien, Connie Lyle O’BrienMarsha Forest, John McKnight, Susan Burke Harrison, Herb LovettBeth Mount, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda Kahn, Michael Smull, Judith SnowHelen Sanderson, and Pete Ritchie to name a few.

To download any of our resources, please click the images.

For more detailed support with planning, we have an online course called 'Planning for a Good Life", packed with videos and resources.

Preparing to Plan Card Sets

Planning for a Good Life

These are a set of 11 cards, with an accompanying booklet. The booklet has some information about using the cards, and also can be used to write notes down for each card set section.

Planning for a Good Life Resource is a comprehensive person-centred document that captures all areas of planning for either yourself and your loved one. Choose one, or all of the areas to discover more about what a good life looks like for you!

Shannon's Story

Childrens Planning Books

This is a planning activity book co-designed with and by First Nations people. Shannon shares his story, and how the things that were important to him, helped him to get to where he wanted to go.

These are some engaging planning booklets for children and teens. There are a range of fun themes including Awesome Me, Rainbow Unicorn, Sports, Teen and Anime.

Trevor's Story

This is a story book about Trevor, who is finding out about himself, what his gifts are, and where they are welcome in his community of Wadjemup (Rottnest).

Planning for a Good Life

Great things about Me!

Planning for a good life is thinking about the things that make our lives good. Relationships, Love, Home, Work, Play, Learning, Communicating, Autonomy, Health, and so on.
This sheet helps you to think about what a good life means to you, and then thinking about what support you might need to live that life.

This activity gives you, and the people around you, an opportunity to think about all the great things about you,  your gifts of the heart, gifts of the head and gifts of the body. You can then use the information gathered with this, to complete the 'My Gifts' resource.

Thanks to John McKnight, Peter Block, John O'Brien, Beth Mount, Connie Lyle O'Brien and others for the foundations of these resource

This is Me

My Gifts

This activity is a great way to remind ourselves about the special gifts others see in us, which we often overlook or forget about in ourselves!

This activity can be used by taking the information you have gathered from the 'Great things about Me' resource to show what your specific gifts are. What we offer others, and our community starts with working out what we have to 'give' and contribute.

What is important TO and FOR me?

Important People To Me

This activity asks you to reflect on what is most important TO and FOR you in your life.

Thanks to Michael Smull for helping us to understand this resource.

A Relationship Map is a useful way of finding out who is in our life, who is important to us, who we want to be closer to etc. It can be really helpful if people do not have many people in their life, but would like more. It starts by discovering who people are in your life and how close they are to you (as the person in the middle). The closer they are to the middle of the circle (near you) the closer they are to your heart and your life.

Weekly Schedule

Conversations With My Planner

This activity is to help you work out what you do, and when, each day of the week. This can then help you think about what you want to do more of in your week, and what you might like to change.

Mapping My Community

Ready, set, plan: Action Plan for Plan Implementation

This resource is designed as a worksheet to help people become more involved in their community and to assist with identifying new roles, networks, activities, participation and contributions to community, along with what people and supports will be required. It can also be used to identify what worked / or didn't prior to plan reviews or in the pre-planning and planning process at any stage.

Ready, Set, Plan is an action plan for goal setting, giving some strategies to help with successful plan implementation. Information on how to increase successful goal identification and planning outcomes is included. This resource may also help identify any obstacles for an individual and their support team.

Money and Imagination

This resource lists some imaginative ways to find low cost and free activities, resources and discounts when searching for new activities to try, new places to see, or to assist with reducing costs in daily life for people with disability and their families and supporters.

My Hospital Passport

My Hospital Passport is a document you can fill in with lots of important information about you. If you ever need to go to hospital, you can bring it with you, so that people will know what you need.

All contents ©2025 WAiS WA’s Individualised Services. All rights reserved.