Supported decision-making is when people with disability get support to make or act on their own decisions. Having choice and control means your decisions are heard and respected. This is a basic human right and it’s the foundation of self-direction.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability explains the rights of people with disability to be recognised as equal under the law.
Did you know we have an Online Hub full of resources about Supported Decision Making?
We all use a range of supports when we might want to make a decision, especially if the decision will have a big impact or consequences for us. We might ask for guidance and information from professionals, friends, family or colleagues. We might choose certain people to help us with our decisions, based on what we know about them and the support they can offer.
At WAiS, we work together with people, families and the disability sector to develop a practical approach to supported decision-making. We share what we learn through a range of resources. Our resources are freely available. You can find them below.