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NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – What Service Providers Need to Know

WAiS is supporting service providers in regional and remote Western Australia to transition to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.  This is in collaboration with NDS WA (with a focus on service providers in the metropolitan region) and WAAMH (with a focus on service providers providing supports to people with psychosocial disability).
This has been funded by the WA Department of Communities, Disability Services.  As a part of this we have been developing a range of resources, you can click on each image to download.

NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework

The NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework is the plan which details what service providers need to do to make sure that people receive quality and safe disability support across Australia. The Framework means that people have choice and control and know that their rights are respected.


The ‘chatterbox’ is intended to start conversations about aspects of the framework. The video demonstrates the folding techniques!

The Chatterbox is square so we suggest you print in colour onto an A3 sheet and cut to size.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

What do the requirements of the Quality & Safeguard Commission mean to me as a person receiving NDIS funded services and support?

Provider Requirements

What parts of the Quality and Safeguards requirements are relevant for me as an unregistered, registered (lower risk) or registered (higher risk) NDIS service provider?

NDIS Worker Screening

What is the new NDIS worker screening check and what does it mean for registered providers, unregistered providers and self managers?

NDIS Code of Conduct

The NDIS Code of Conduct sets out the standards for what everyone should expect from their NDIS services and supports. The Code of Conduct applies to ALL workers, registered and unregistered providers.

Verification and Certification Pathways

Which registration groups come under the verification pathway and which under the certification pathway (core and supplementary modules)?

Complaints Management

Everyone receiving NDIS funded supports should know what to expect from and how to make a complaint about their NDIS service or support

Reportable Incidents

All registered NDIS providers must notify the NDIS Commission of any reportable incidents which happen in the course of delivering NDIS funded support.

Then and Now

How have the responsibilities for registration and regulation changed since December 1st 2020 in WA?


What is the difference between the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission?

These activity cards have been developed to generate conversations about positive behaviour support and restrictive practice. They are based on contemporary disability practice and align with the NDIS Quality & Safeguard Commission’s Regulated Restrictive Practice Guides.

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